Get Rid of Rats
21 June 2024
21 June 2024Bees
I f you find a swarm of bees in your home, stay calm and keep your distance. Do not attempt to move the hive! Otherwise, the bees will swarm out to protect it and everybody around is getting stung.
Please reconsider using pesticides to remove bees. Unless you are attacking the nest bees will invariably ignore you. If, however, they are a genuine cause for concern, there are several natural methods that have proved effective to deter bees.
You might want to try some traditional and natural remedies to deter bees.
Vinegar: In addition to being an easy-to-make product, vinegar is also environmentally friendly, since it contains no insecticides or toxic chemicals. In a spray bottle, combine equal parts of water and vinegar, then spray in the vicinity of the hive. Make sure to spray any flowers on your porch or window sills, as well. Bees won’t like this and will want to go somewhere else. If you’re dealing with a huge number of bees, this solution may prove less effective.
Mothballs: There are some scents that bees don’t like; mothball aroma is one. Hang them all around your property or near bee nests, and the smell will discourage the bees from returning.
Bee-repelling plants: Planting sweet-scented flowers and plants may be attracting bees, so you will want to rethink where and what you are planting in your garden. Try growing bee-repelling plants instead. Mint, citronella, eucalyptus, marigold, germanium and cloves are some of the most common and effective ways to repel bees. They are easy to grow in pots and don’t require a lot of maintenance.
Cinnamon: If you find a hive of honey bees and want them to find a new home without harming them, sprinkle cinnamon around their hive for about a week. Cinnamon is also particularly effective for removing ground bees.
Essential Oils Bee-Repellent Spray: This spray can be effective for repelling all kinds of pesky insects, including wasps and bees, without killing them. Simply fill a spray bottle with essential oils like eucalyptus, cedar wood and peppermint and you’ve got a natural insecticide. You might want to use the mixture to rid the inside of your home of bees by spraying it inside cupboards or around windows and doors (keep away from food or near your eyes). For outdoor use add liquid soap to add resilience against being washed off by rain.
Hopefully, these natural homemade bee repellents gave you some great ideas for keeping bees away from your home. Herbs, plants, and essential oils have been widely used throughout the years and are still effective today. If, however, there are a lot of bees in your world, or if you or someone in your family suffers from a bee allergy, you may need a more professional approach to the problem.