Things That Buzz – an identification guide
21 June 2024
21 June 2024‘Houston, we have a problem…’
I f you believe you have an uninvited pest this article is for you. It addresses a familiar issue: like most things in life, you can’t work on the cure until you first eliminate the problem. In a nutshell, first take control of the problem then you can take action to prevent it coming back.
To have pests is the problem; to have them never come back is the cure (most pest control companies only deal with the problem, seldom with the cure). To put it another way, the problem of dealing with pests today is solved by pest control; not having them come back (the cure), is solved by pest prevention.
Every life form on earth needs three basics for survival: shelter, nutrition and a peaceful environment.
Given shelter, food and water most living organisms will survive, but once these basics have been acquired, they will need a contented environment to get on with the job of life: freedom, growth, reproduction etc. Continual disruption of this environment will eventually take its toll. For example, think of a family living contentedly in a warm, well-lit and comfortable house with ample food and drink, but every day people are throwing bricks through the windows. That family won’t stay in that environment for very long; they’ll move on.
We’re too alike
Dealing with pests is similar (if not identical) to this scenario. Rats for example will seek shelter close to a food source but if their environment is continuously disrupted, they too will move on. To move rats on you can either deny them their living quarters (which is usually difficult), you can remove their food supply (which although can be difficult is ultimately achievable) or you can remove their comfort zone (which is relatively easy).
Fortunately for us, rats are paranoid neophobics; they hate the introduction of anything new or unfamiliar in their environment. They will generally go in search of another home and food supply if their contented environment is disrupted. To a rat, a disruption can be as simple as disturbing a nest or merely placing an unfamiliar object in their vicinity. The trick is to make sure that their new home and food supply is someone else’s and not yours.
When rats move on you’ve pretty much solved the problem, at least for the time being, but unless you apply the ‘cure of prevention’ the chances are that will either come back or a new family of rats will move in. Without the cure the chances are you will have a recurring problem. This is why pest control will only solve the problem for now; pest prevention will cure the problem for good.
We offer our clients a consultative service for pest prevention, one that has proved effective in the long run, not just for the current crisis.
So, if rats are your problem and you want rid of them today, just call anyone. If you want rid of rats for good, call us.